
Here is the change log since version 5.

8.0.1 Release

Summary: fixes origin on Pinch for Safari desktop.


  1. adds origin to GestureEvent (used on Safari Desktop). Fixes #226.


Summary: Major refactoring by thephoenixofthevoid. This release has some significant underlying changes that may break some specific edge cases (like scrolling while dragging on mobile).


  1. The app uses PointerEvent wherever it can, dropping support for some older browsers.
  2. When adding events directly to the dom element using domTarget you no longer need to clean the effect yourself.
// before
const bind = useDrag(
() => {
/* your logic */
{ domTarget: window }
React.useEffect(bind, [bind])
// after
() => {
/* your logic */
{ domTarget: window }
  1. Handlers are being fired even if the gesture is not intentional #3dacf8f but only with the triggerAllEvents flag set to true #5c77db7. This allows manipulation of events at all times. Fixes #175.
  2. When using native handlers, the shared state is now being forwarded #186.
// before
const bind = useGesture({
onClick: event => console.log(event),
// after
const bind = useGesture({
onClick: ({ event, ...fullState }) => console.log(event), // you can do something with the fullState


  1. Drag and pinch now works on multiple dom elements at once #170.
  2. Drag option { filterTaps: true } will also prevent unwanted taps on children elements #173.
  3. Config options bounds, distanceBounds and angleBounds can now be functions excuted at the start of each gesture. The function is passed the gesture state as an argument.
  4. When a function, initial is passed the gesture state as an argument so that you can compute initial based on args.
  5. User facing intentional option that is set to true when the gesture is intentional (useful when using threshold or filterTaps options).


  1. Various Typescript types.
  2. Hooks configuration is no longer recreated on every render.

7.0.15 Release

Summary: Fixes touchcancel on drag.


  1. Touch cancel listener was set for mouse devices 😅.

7.0.14 Release

Summary: Refactoring thanks to thephoenixofthevoid [PR #160] and further fix for on tap recognition on mobile devices.


  1. Fixes #149 when setting state.

7.0.13 Release

Summary: TS type fix. Should fix #158.


  1. Fixes types for UserHandlersPartial.

7.0.12 Release

Summary: TS onDragEnd and onDragStart definition fix.


  1. onDragStart and onDragEnd are also React Handlers, which were overriding Gesture handlers definitions.

7.0.11 Release

Summary: fixes move / hover order.


  1. hover in → mouse move → mouse stops → hover out.

7.0.10 Release

Summary: doesn't use webkit gesture events when using React native handlers.


  1. Only uses webkit gesture events on iOS devices when domTarget is specified.

7.0.9 Release

Summary: different strategy for fixing #149.


  1. Checks on the timestamps to filter emulated mousedown events.

7.0.8 Release

Summary: fixes 7.0.7 for native handlers.


  1. Makes fix of 7.0.7 work for native React handlers. Fixes #149.

7.0.7 Release

Summary: fixes double drag gestures on touch screens.


  1. Prevents touch screens from firing the drag gesture twice.

7.0.6 Release

Summary: fixes onGestureEnd logic.


  1. Prevents onPinchEnd from firing when releasing the pointer without actually triggering pinch in the first place. Fixes #148.
  2. Fixes onGestureEnd logic for other gestures.

7.0.5 Release

Summary: blocked bug fixes on debounced gestures.


  1. Passes delta: [0,0] when gesture is blocked so debounced gestures can calculate distance. Fixes #140.

7.0.4 Release

Summary: drag should work on multi pointers devices.


  1. Adds both mouse and touch handlers for drag.

7.0.3 Release

Summary: type fixes.


  1. DragState type fix.

7.0.2 Release

Summary: onHover fires before onMove.


  1. onHover fires before onMove.

7.0.1 Release

Summary: Fix exporting the useHover hook.


  1. Exports the useHover hook.

7.0.0 Release

Summary: Major release introducing new features and options renaming. This is a full rewrite.


  1. Options for useGesture are now separated per gesture;
  2. Options for event are now structured differently.
  3. dragDelay is now renamed delay.


useGesture(fn, {
enabled: true,
event: { passive: true, capture: false },
pointerEvents: true,
wheel: false,
dragDelay: 100,


useGesture(fn, {
enabled: true,
eventOptions: { passive: true, capture: false, pointer: true },
wheel: {
enabled: false,
drag: {
delay: 100,
// or
useDrag(fn, {
eventOptions: { passive: true, capture: false, pointer: true },
delay: 100,


  1. State attribute lastOffset: offset when the last gesture started.
  2. State attribute startTime: gesture start time.
  3. State attribute elapsedTime: gesture elapsed time.
  4. Drag state attribute swipe: indicates if the drag was a swipe.
  5. Drag state attribute tap: is the drag assimilated to a tap.
  6. Option initial: the initial movement or a function that returns the initial movement.
  7. Option threshold: the handler will fire only when the gesture displacement is greater than the threshold.
  8. Option rubberband: the elasticity coefficient of the gesture when going out of bounds.
  9. XY option axis: constraints the gesture to the axis.
  10. XY option lockDirection: if true, the gesture will lock the first detected direction.
  11. XY option bounds: limits the gesture movement and offset to the specified bounds.
  12. Pinch option distanceBounds: limits the distance movement and offset to the specified bounds.
  13. Pinch option angleBounds: limits the angle movement and offset to the specified bounds.
  14. New doc website!


  1. Native handlers now update with state #117
  2. When a ref is null on unmount, bind now returns the correct cleaning function #115

6.0.14 Release

Summary: Fixes Pointer Events on hover.


  1. Fixes getEventBindings/this.onEnd -> this.onPointerLeave

6.0.13 Invalid Release

6.0.12 Release

Summary: Fixes Typescript import.


  1. Added Omit to the types import list.

6.0.11 Release

Summary: Continues fixing of start state.


  1. Fixes previous attribute in start state.

6.0.10 Release

Summary: Fixes start state.


  1. Fixes #97 (follow up of #96 with fixes of distance and direction)

6.0.9 Release

Summary: Fixes refactoring of 6.0.8.

6.0.8 Release

Summary: Fixes bug with continuous gestures.


  1. Scroll and wheel are continuous gestures and should therefore init delta, movement and offset as soon as they start (#96)

6.0.7 Release

Summary: Fixes bug with dragDelay.


  1. Drag no longer reset after dragDelay when drag is forced with mouse move.

6.0.6 Release

Summary: Fixes types 🤦‍

6.0.5 Release

Summary: Tweak of 6.0.4.


  1. Moving the cursor when dragging doesn't wait for dragDelay timeout.

6.0.4 Release

Summary: Added option to detect clicks from drag triggers.


  1. Added dragDelay config attribute to trigger drag after a given delay.

6.0.3 Release

Summary: Minor additions.


  1. Added origin for wheel pinching (matching cursor position).
  2. Added origin for trackpad gesture event pinching (matching cursor position).

6.0.2 Release

Summary: Re-introducing pointer-events.


  1. Pointer Events are supported again with config: { pointerEvents: true }.


  1. Removed transform function: it was originally introduced for react-three-fiber support but resulted useless eventually.

6.0.1 Release

Summary: Bug fix.


  1. Pinching with wheel could return undefined angle. It now returns previous angle or 0.

6.0.0 Release

Summary: Refinement release, better naming of keys, with breaking changes.


  1. temp is no longer supported. Please use memo.
  2. delta now calculates the delta between current and previous values.
  3. Former delta is replaced by movement (xy - initial).
  4. Former local is replaced by offset.
  5. lastLocal has been removed.
  6. onAction handler as an alias for onDrag is not supported anymore.
  7. useGesture doesn't support a function as a shortcut for onDrag. Please use useDrag from now on.


  1. Added direction to pinch gestures.
  2. Added delta that just calculates the delta between current and previous values.
  3. Added addV and subV as convenient exports for adding and substracting vectors formed as arrays.
  4. Added a warning when using trackpad zoom without a domTarget or event.passive set to true.
  5. Added a gesture key to the event passed to handlers indicating which gesture originated the event.


  1. Fixed velocity for angle on pinch gestures.
  2. Doesn't trigger the onWheel handler when the ctrl key is pressed and onPinch is active #80.

5.2.4 Release

Summary: Minor release.


  1. memo now works as expected when returning 0 from the handler.

5.2.3 Release

Summary: Minor release.


  1. Changed the default timeout for debounced events.

5.2.1 Release

Summary: Minor release.


  1. Fixed issue with Webkit Gesture Recognizer.

5.2.0 Release

Summary: Introducing shorthand hooks for gestures.


  1. useDrag, useMove,useHover,useScroll,useWheel,usePinch hooks have been added.


  1. temp renamed to memo.

5.1.3 Release

Summary: Better build process and TypeScript improvements.


  1. Build process now uses tsdx instead of rollup.


  1. Event type fixing in TypeScript.

5.1.2 Release

Summary: Minor release fixing TypeScript export.


  1. import { useGesture } from 'react-use-gesture' should now be functional.

5.1.0 Release (do not use)

5.1.1 Release

Summary: important release introducing trackpad gestures. The library has been fully rewritten in TypeScript with some important refactoring involved.


  1. Support for for zoom and rotate on trackpad for Safari.
  2. Support for zoom on trackpad for Chrome and Firefox.
  3. Added buttons attribute to pointer-related gesture state.
  4. Added origin attribute to pinch gesture.
  5. Accepts support for genuine element handlers (such as onMouseDown) to prevent overriding when passing the prop directly to the bound component.


  1. Drag gesture will interrupt if a move event has no button pressed (that could happen if triggering a right click) and then moving the mouse around.


  1. config object must be passed as a second argument.

5.0.2 Release

Summary: minor release.


  1. Added onHover in Typescript definitions.

5.0.1 Release

Summary: release updating dev dependencies and fixing minor bugs.


  1. Fixed a bug where onDragEnd or onPinchEnd would be called too late when the gestures are canceled #52

  2. Wheel and scroll gestures are also returning modifier keys.

5.0.0 Release

Summary (recap from betas): major release introducing additional gestures on top of drag: pinch, scroll, wheel, hover and move are now supported. This release is dropping support for high-order and render-props component and can only be used through React hooks 🎣. Therefore react-with-gesture is now react-use-gesture.


  1. Support for pinch, scroll, wheel, move and hover events. Each gesture has now an active boolean prop that lets you know whether it’s currently active. State also include dragging, moving, scrolling, wheeling, pinching, and hovering booleans so that you can know within a gesture handler the running state of all others.

  2. Support for dynamically enabling or disabling gestures in the config object: useGesture(actions, { enabled: false }) or useGesture(actions, { drag: true, move: false }) if you want to disable or enable gestures individually.

  3. You can now add a gesture to a dom node or the window (useful for scroll) with the domTarget config prop. In that case you shouldn’t spread bind in a component but use the useEffect hook that will take care of adding and removing listeners:

const bind = useGesture({ onScroll: () => {...} }, { domTarget: window })
React.useEffect(bind, [bind])
  1. Individual per-axis velocity has been added in gesture state props as vxvy: vector2.

  2. There's a new transform config prop that can be passed to change the way x and y are calculated (useful for canvas which inverts axis compared to the dom).

  3. Experimental support for pointer events through config: { event : { pointerEvents: true } }.

  4. Tests with react-testing-library.

  5. Travis integration.


  1. State and props are no longer frozen, meaning you can now use state or props values from your component inside your handler and they will be up to date.
const [dragCount, setDragCount] = useState(0)
const bind = useGesture({
onDrag: ({ first }) => {
console.log(dragCount) //<-- count will be up to date
if (first) setDragCount(dragCount + 1)
  1. Readme should be clearer (hopefully)!


  1. HOC and render-props component support has been dropped. Hooks usage is enforced, therefore this package requires React 16.8+.

  2. Default syntax [bind, props] = useGesture() has been dropped in favor of bind = useGesture({ onDrag: () => {...} }) which is more performance-effective since it doesn’t render on each frame.

  3. onAction prop is now an alias of onDrag but should be avoided as its support could be dropped at any time. Subsequently, onUp and onDown have been dropped, and there's now on[Gesture]Start and on[Gesture]End handlers.

  4. config object should now be passed as a second argument.

// from this:
useGesture({ onAction: () => {}, config })
// to this:
useGesture({ onDrag: () => {} }, { ...config })
  1. touch and mouse config props are dropped.

5.0.0-beta.8 Release

Summary: Removed default export to match TypeScript import in JS.


  1. You should now import useGesture as follows: import { useGesture } from 'react-use-gesture'

5.0.0-beta.7 Release

Summary: Minor bug fixing.


  1. first was still set to true when the gesture finished if no movement was registered.

5.0.0-beta.6 Release

Summary: Minor bug fixing.


  1. NaN or Infinity velocities are now set to 0.

5.0.0-beta.5 Release

Summary: bug fixing and more tests.


  1. domTarget now accepts refs.
  2. Tests are now testing domTarget.
  3. Tests are now testing bind passing arguments.


  1. onMoveEnd shouldn't fire if state isn't moving (ie onLeave was triggered).
  2. Performance optimizations were removed as they were conflicting with passing args to bind.

5.0.0-beta.4 Release

Summary: bug fixing and added tests!


  1. Tests have been added with react-testing-library: they still throw a warning about some tests not being wrapped in act(...) but this is probably because of async debouncing in move, scroll, wheel events and RAF for cancel in drag and pinch.

  2. Added Travis integration.


  1. Now using dtslint for Typescript definitions and tests.


  1. first was always returning true and this is no longer the case.

  2. active wasn't set to true when moving in onMove.

  3. Added activeset to false on mouseLeave for onHover. This might not be a good idea though.

5.0.0-beta.3 Release

Summary: major release introducing additional gestures on top of drag: pinch, scroll, wheel, hover and move are now supported. This release is dropping support for high-order and render-props component and can only be used through React hooks 🎣. Therefore react-with-gesture is now react-use-gesture.


  1. Support for pinch, scroll, wheel, move and hover events. Each gesture has now an active boolean prop that lets you know whether it’s currently active. State also include dragging, moving, scrolling, wheeling, pinching, and hovering booleans so that you can know within a gesture handler the running state of all others.

  2. Support for dynamically enabling or disabling gestures in the config object: useGesture(actions, { enabled: false }) or useGesture(actions, { drag: true, move: false }) if you want to disable or enable gestures individually.

  3. You can now add a gesture to a dom node or the window (useful for scroll) with the domTarget config prop. In that case you shouldn’t spread bind in a component but use the useEffect hook that will take care of adding and removing listeners:

const bind = useGesture({ onScroll: () => {...} }, { domTarget: window })
React.useEffect(bind, [bind])
  1. Individual per-axis velocity has been added in gesture state props as vxvy: vector2.

  2. There's a new transform config prop that can be passed to change the way x and y are calculated (useful for canvas which inverts axis compared to the dom).

  3. Experimental support for pointer events through config: { event : { pointerEvents: true } }.


  1. useGesture returned value is now cached which should produce better performance in case of frequent renders produced by external factors (i.e. prop change).

  2. State and props are no longer frozen, meaning you can now use state or props values from your component inside your handler and they will be up to date.

const [dragCount, setDragCount] = useState(0)
const bind = useGesture({
onDrag: ({ first }) => {
console.log(dragCount) //<-- count will be up to date
if (first) setDragCount(dragCount + 1)
  1. Readme should be clearer (hopefully)!


  1. HOC and render-props component support has been dropped. Hooks usage is enforced, therefore this package requires React 16.8+.

  2. Default syntax [bind, props] = useGesture() has been dropped in favor of bind = useGesture({ onDrag: () => {...} }) which is more performance-effective since it doesn’t render on each frame.

  3. onAction prop is now an alias of onDrag but should be avoided as its support could be dropped at any time. Subsequently, onUp and onDown have been dropped, and there's now on[Gesture]Start and on[Gesture]End handlers.

  4. config object should now be passed as a second argument.

// from this:
useGesture({ onAction: () => {}, config })
// to this:
useGesture({ onDrag: () => {} }, { ...config })
  1. touch and mouse config props are dropped.